Tokyo Sushi

Every time we visit Florida, we do a Costco Run.That means that we fill up whatever car we have with wine, dry goods and every day necessities. We haul that over to Seacor Island Lines in Port Everglades and pack a pallet. That pallet goes out on a ship every Thursday and lands in Cat Island on Sunday night. Very practical.

What is also very practical, is that our favorite sushi restaurant is just a few blocks away from Port Everglades. Tokyo Sushi, in Southport Shopping Center off the 17th causeway is one of the consistently good sushi restaurants in the area.

A few months ago they upgraded their interior and put some video screens in the corners, showing promotion pictures, but the ambiance didn’t change much. The waitresses are the same, happily greeting you with very, very welcomeand the owner still sits at the sushi bar and keeps an eye on the customers and the food.

And he does a good job. There are usually three or four specials on the blackboard by the door. Like Fatty Tuna, Mahi Mahi, White fish sashimi or Merugai clam.


On the menu are all the usual items for a good Japanese sushi restaurant. I particularly like their Oshitashi (boiled spinach in tempura sauce) and their Shishito peppers.

I recommend Tokyo Sushi to anyone who happens to be in the Fort Lauderdale area. Have some hot sake and enjoy the rolls.


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