3 posts from day 12/09/2015

3 Ways To Cook Polenta

It is summer on Cat Island. Hot, hot, hot. Sun is shining every day and the winds have gone to sleep. Mosquitos, the size of wasps, are multiplying in billions in the stagnant puddles left over from short, non-refreshing summer rains. Not much is growing in the intense heat except for weeds and corn. And I don’t mean marijuana, I mean weeds that send out urchin-like seedpods that stick to everything and really, really hurt to step on. I mean weeds that look like pretty little daisies and ... Continue Reading

Mango Upside Down Cake with Mango Ice Cream

I have so many mangoes that I don't know what to do with them all. I give away a lot. That makes me feel good, and also relieved. At least a few that I don’t have to do something with. When I go and look at the trees, branches bent to the ground with heavy, fragrant, blushing fruits, I get a very ambivalent feeling. I love the fact that I have fantastic mangoes on the trees and I resent the fact that I have to take care of them. I can’t just let them fall to the ground and rot or become ... Continue Reading

Cabbage Lasagna

Almost every meal on Cat Island involves coleslaw. Cabbage, carrots and lots of Mayo. It’s not bad. I love coleslaw and can easily skip the rice and peas and potatoes salad that also accompanies the meal. In some restaurants here on the island they have tried to vary the formula a little by adding hot sauce or changing from mayo to vinaigrette. Or by adding raisins or apple. But it is still coleslw. Almost every farmer will plant cabbage in October to be ready to harvest in February or ... Continue Reading